Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Garden sign

It's the middle of May and still raining.  It was 48 degrees this morning when I got up.  Unbelievable!!  I'm ready for a long hot summer!  I planted sweet peas two months ago and there's no sign of them peeking out of the ground yet. 

I love making humorous garden/yard signs.  They're easy to make and they put smiles on visitor's faces.  All you need is a board, a stake and paint.  I used a paint pen.  Below is a photo of one of them.  Others I've made include the message:  Garden of Weedin' and Frog Parking - All Others Will Be Toad.  Put this on your to-do list for an easy, fun project.

You can see this sign and more garden items in my etsy shop.

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