Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Will It Never End??

We've been landscaping our new 'blank palette' yard for 3 1/2 years.  We're getting so old and slow that I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever be finished in our lifetimes.  Our back yard and side yards are going to be all wood chips, shrubs, perennials, vines, paths and patios.  No lawn to mow. 

I did score some great finds recently.  I discovered a nursery near us that offered 50% off all plants over Memorial Day weekend.  I bought three large rhodys, fuchsias, Irish moss and several pot stuffers.  Another nursery had 20% off all their vines.  I got a wisteria, climbing hydrangea and Boston ivy.  I also posted an ad asking for free or reasonably priced shrubs on Craigs List.  I received an email yesterday from a sweet woman who offered two Rose of Sharon bushes and a climbing hydrangea.  Then she threw in a box full of hen and chickens for free. 

Excuse me while I go find some liniment for my back!


  1. Doesn't sound like a fun project but it will be nice when it is done!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  2. It will never end! My neighbor and I have a joke, "We're 90% done" and it's been that way for 10 years. Fun though, every time we make progress!

  3. Sounds like hard work, but it sounds like it will be really great when it's done :) Keep visualizing that outcome!
    I'm following you from Etsy Blog Team!
    My blog is awhimofmine.blogspot.com


  4. I'm with Janet, it is never done. Can't wait to see pictures, though. I need the inspiration!

  5. We got rid of the grass and replanted our large hill with bushes, decorative grasses, and flowers - slippery hill and lawnmower do not go together.... When the plants & bushes started to fill in, it looks great.. and no mowing! Hang in there, it will be worth it!
