Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tropical Garden Lady

Of all the garden art I've made some of my favorites are the garden people. It's so much fun to make them come alive with facial features. This is one I made some time ago and she makes me smile every time I see her.

She has multiple uses. She can 'carry' fruit in the basket on her head. In this photo she has artificial grapes.

Or the metal basket can be a planter for sedums. She would also be a great candy dish. Whatever she's used for, she'll certainly be a conversation piece.

I have another one of these unique ladies almost finished. Photos to follow soon.


  1. She's adorable! I see you live in the Seattle area. I spent most of my childhood on Whidbey Island. I love the Pacific NW!
    I'm glad I stopped by from EBT and I am now following you.

  2. Thanks, Sandy. We love it here, too. We moved here from Oklahoma in 1956. We've never regretted it.

  3. Oh that is just too much fun!! LOVE art with humor. So creative!

  4. She's a very interesting and fun piece!
