Thursday, July 26, 2012

Joyful July!

What a busy month this has been!  My brother from Oklahoma surprised us with a week long visit.  Then one of our nieces and her husband from Texas came the following week.  We had such a good time showing them the beauty of western Washington state and catching up on family news.  Now I'm back to the garden art routine, trying to get more glass flowers as well as a few other items made for my etsy shop. 

We're still having four legged visitors, too.  I found a deer dining on our red twig dogwood.  Of course I shot her....with a camera.  I stood right there watching her eat my plants and she watched me watch her. 

Check out my etsy shop periodically.  I hope to create some new types of garden art.  My mind is racing, but my body is having trouble keeping up. 


  1. What a great shot! It's amazing that she stood so still for you!

  2. We see them frequently in and around our yard. They're not afraid of us at all. I've never tried walking right up to them, but I've been within several feet. They just look at me. If I get too close they slowly wander off.
