Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bad Bug

There's a bad respiratory bug going around in my area!  It caught up with both my husband and me.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  It doesn't last a week or so like the common cold.  What I'm hearing from other people who have had it is 2 weeks - 2 months to fully recover.  That's certainly a big chunk out of my life! 

Supposedly spring is here.  I haven't felt anything like spring in the air so far.  We've had a cold, wet February and March here in the Pacific Northwest.  I know I shouldn't complain when I see what other areas in the country have been through, but I sure am tired of rain!

To all of you out there....stay well and stay dry....except you who are in the drought areas.  I wish for a few good downpours in your neck of the woods.  


  1. I'm in Germany and we are having the same kind of winter! And we have a nasty bug going around, too. My husband succumbed, but I've escaped so far (fingers crossed). :)

  2. We have a cold, wet spring here in Tennessee. Actually much colder than normal. We've seen more snow flakes in march than we did all winter.

    Thanks for popping by my blog!

  3. Sorry to hear you caught the bug. =(
    I'm a new GFC follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week.
